Serving Kerr County

Over 33 Years of Fighting Hunger and Meeting Vital Needs in our Community

Meet Christian Assistance Ministry

CAM provides food, clothing, and financial support for prescriptions and utilities to low income families in Kerr County. CAM is supported through donations from Churches, Benefactors and Church members. We have no paid employees and never have. We are volunteer driven and we need you!

Call us today - 830-257-4222

What We Do

Reliable Foods

For qualified applicants, we help with bringing healthy and reliable meals from the donor to the plate.


Our in-house and volunteer-run clothing store serves adults and children in need, and is stocked for all seasons.

Financial Assitsance

In the areas of utility bills and prescription costs, our volunteer interviewers can help.

CAM: By the Numbers

Our donations and volunteer hours make a difference in Kerr County, and the results speak for themselves. Our all-volunteer staff and donors of all kinds seek, serve, and support the needs of thousands across our community.

24,533 Individuals Served, 2019
5,500 Volunteer Hours
8,646 Families Served
40 Participating Ministries

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deeds.

Proverbs 19:7

Upcoming Events

CAM hosts regular Food Fair events and other community-serving events